Ray Harper
Ray Harper - WebOL
WebOL Features:
Navigation The sequence of web pages in the project do not contain the navigation links. Adding, deleting or resequencing pages only takes a few moments.

The web pages may be linked to others as normal links or pop-up windows to generate a more complex linked structure for the project.
Question Pages

16 Main Styles
Set support page for Tutorial questions - a page supplying helpful information.
Mark parts of multi-part questions. Add multimedia components & customise as required.
Override default values for:
  • Marks Per Question
  • Deduction for an incorrect answer

Self assessment
  • Save in QTI xml format
  • Load compatible QTI xml questions
  • Import text question into Blackboard VLE
  • Save text questions as an assessment
Set Project features:
  • Navigation style/icons and location
  • Information & controls displayed in the navigation frame
  • Show the correct answer after maximum attempts allowed
  • Show the marks at the end of the project
  • Exit/Finish style
  • Randomise the pages
  • Use a subset of the pages
  • Send user data & marks/answers via email
  • Add user email facility
  • Use cascading style sheets (CSS) for formatting
Set default values for:
  • Marks per question
  • Number of attempts allowed
  • Deduction from the mark as incorrect attempts are made
WebOL Editor
  • Customise question pages
  • Create and edit web pages
  • Add animations with DHTML objects